Kathering (Kat), from NH, was such a beautiful bride.
Her bridal flowers were really fun, because there were just
so many of them and the colors were so lush
that you could almost taste them!
4 types of Peonies, Phlox, 2 kinds of Dahlias,
4 kinds of Roses, 6 kinds of Ranunculus,
Stock, Canterbury Bells, Some Curly Q's
Snapdragons, Candytuft, Lisanthus and Olive Leaf
Floral Design by: Lani Toscano Design,
Greenland, NH
Aren't they gorgeous, just sitting in line to be pressed?
And here they are, pressed!
All on a white background in in a
20x16" barnwood frame!
Just opened the art and it is absolutely fabulous!!! Honestly better than I could have imagined! Thank you so much! Best, Kat
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